Web Hosting

Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Deadly Web Writing Search Engine Optimization Myth

Don�t write web content for people, write for SEO (search engine optimization). Search engines know more about what people want to read on the web than you do.

There's a deadly myth about search engine optimization and writing for the web: that good SEO and good writing don't go together.

As a website copywriter, I hear this
myth repeated back to me all the time by new clients and prospects. "Don't bother search-engine-optimizing the content," they say. "Just make sure it is well written and the keywords will flow naturally into the content." Self-styled gurus constantly repeat, "don�t write for the search engines, write for people who will be reading what you write"--as if there were necessarily a conflict of interest between SEO and humans.

If you're one of the people who says that, you're operating under two misconceptions:

  • Misconception 1: you know more about what people want to read on the web than the search engines do.

  • Misconception 2: you know more about both search engine optimization and what people want to read on the web than the people who making a living out of this stuff.
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