A Little Mistake That Costs Your Website Hosting Business a Fortune
Over the last seven years, I've bought website hosting from several different companies. I noticed that the majority of webhosts make the mistake of thinking they are in the webhosting business. They only offer website hosting and, maybe domain name registration. As a marketer, I see huge missed opportunities to make more profits.
Some website hosts see these opportunities. They realize that they have gold. They have a group of clients who crave something more than hosting. What do hosting clients want? To make sales from their websites.
Knowing this, these webhosts create backend Profit Centers so they can make more money with their clients. A Profit Center is an area of your business that brings more cash to your . Webhosts who bring in lots of profits offer their clients useful information, tools, software, audios and more to help their clients become successful. It doesn�t have to be difficult or labor intensive.
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